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Dani Santos 40ff0eb082 Version 4.1 2 years ago
BaseLibrary.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.CSharp.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.ML.Core.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.ML.CpuMath.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.ML.Data.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.ML.DataView.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.ML.FastTree.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.ML.KMeansClustering.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.ML.PCA.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.ML.StandardTrainers.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.ML.Transforms.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.ML.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Newtonsoft.Json.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
PeNet.Asn1.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
PeNet.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.AppContext.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Buffers.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.CodeDom.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Collections.Concurrent.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Collections.Immutable.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Collections.NonGeneric.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Collections.Specialized.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Collections.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.ComponentModel.Primitives.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.ComponentModel.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Configuration.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Console.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Core.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Data.Common.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Data.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Diagnostics.Debug.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Diagnostics.Process.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Diagnostics.Tools.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Diagnostics.Tracing.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Drawing.Primitives.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Drawing.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Dynamic.Runtime.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Formats.Asn1.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Formats.Tar.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Globalization.Calendars.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Globalization.Extensions.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Globalization.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.Compression.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.FileSystem.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.IsolatedStorage.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.Pipes.AccessControl.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.Pipes.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.IO.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Linq.Expressions.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Linq.Parallel.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Linq.Queryable.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Linq.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Memory.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.Http.Json.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.Http.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.HttpListener.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.Mail.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.NameResolution.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.Ping.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.Primitives.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.Quic.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.Requests.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.Security.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.ServicePoint.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.Sockets.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.WebClient.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.WebProxy.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.WebSockets.Client.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.WebSockets.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Net.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Numerics.Vectors.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Numerics.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.ObjectModel.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Private.CoreLib.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Private.Uri.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Private.Xml.Linq.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Private.Xml.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Reflection.DispatchProxy.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Reflection.Emit.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Reflection.Extensions.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Reflection.Metadata.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Reflection.Primitives.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Reflection.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Resources.Reader.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Resources.ResourceManager.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Resources.Writer.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.VisualC.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.Extensions.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.Handles.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.Intrinsics.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.Loader.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.Numerics.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Runtime.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.AccessControl.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.Claims.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.Cryptography.Cng.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.Cryptography.Csp.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.Cryptography.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.Principal.Windows.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.Principal.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.SecureString.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Security.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.ServiceModel.Web.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.ServiceProcess.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Text.Encoding.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Text.Json.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Threading.Channels.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Threading.Overlapped.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Threading.Tasks.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Threading.Thread.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Threading.ThreadPool.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Threading.Timer.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Threading.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Transactions.Local.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Transactions.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.ValueTuple.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Web.HttpUtility.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Web.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Windows.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Xml.Linq.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Xml.Serialization.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Xml.XDocument.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Xml.XPath.XDocument.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Xml.XPath.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Xml.XmlDocument.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Xml.XmlSerializer.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.Xml.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
System.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Validation.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
WindowsBase.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
Xunit.SkippableFact.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
XvirusCLI Version 4.1 2 years ago
XvirusCLI.deps.json Version 4.1 2 years ago
XvirusCLI.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
XvirusCLI.runtimeconfig.json Version 4.1 2 years ago
XvirusSDK.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
createdump Version 4.1 2 years ago
errorlog.txt Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago Version 4.1 2 years ago
mscorlib.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
netstandard.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
settings.json Version 4.1 2 years ago
xunit.abstractions.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
xunit.core.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago
xunit.execution.dotnet.dll Version 4.1 2 years ago