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Dani Santos c04858fb55 Version 1 week ago
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example Version 4.2 1 year ago
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functions.JPG Version 4.2 1 year ago

Xvirus SDK C++

Xvirus SDK 4.2.1 C++ bindings.

Table of Contents

Minimum Requirements

The following Operating Systems are supported:

  • Windows:
    • Windows 10 1607
    • Windows 11 22000
    • Windows Server 2012
    • Windows Server Core 2012
  • Linux (glibc 2.17):
    • Alpine Linux 3.15
    • CentOS 7
    • Debian 10
    • Fedora 36
    • openSUSE 15
    • Oracle Linux 7
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
    • SUSE Enterprise Linux (SLES) 12 SP2
    • Ubuntu 18.04


  • Version 4.2.1:

    • Optimized scanning speed of big files
    • Optimized scanning speed in Linux version
  • Version 4.2:

    • Reduced glibc minimum version to 2.17 on Linux
    • Added "Logging()" function to enable/disable logging
    • Added "BaseFolder()" function to set a custom base folder
    • Added new setting "DatabaseFolder" to set the Database folder path
    • Fixed C++ binding will return "Success=false" correctly when failing to scan a file
  • Version 4.1:

    • Upgraded from .NET 5 to .NET 7
    • C++ bindings now also support Linux
    • Changed how exceptions are handled in C++ bindings
  • Version 4.0:

    • Completely redone in .NET 5
    • Now supports Linux (CLI and C# bindings only)
    • Added XvirusAI scan engine (BETA)
    • Scan speed is up to 2x faster
    • Fixed memory usage spike when scanning large files
    • Removed file size limit for scanned files by default
    • The checkUpdate function can now check for SDK updates
    • Added 3 new settings "EnableAIScan", "MaxScanLength" and "DatabaseVersion"

Known Issues

  • XvirusAI engine is still in BETA. It is not recomended to use in production yet.
  • XvirusAI engine does not work in C++ bindings.
  • The checkUpdate function can now check for SDK updates but can't update it

Get Started

The "example" folder contains an example project on how to import and use Xvirus SDK in C++.

This project shows you how to dynamically load Xvirus SDK (XvirusSDK.dll) for both Windows and Linux and call a function. You can also read more here.

You can run it by building it, copying the files from the bin folder to the output folder of the build and then running xvbdc.exe.

Avaiable Functions

You can find the definition of all functions and structs in the file xvneng.h located in the "headers" folder.

  • load - Loads Xvirus Scan Engine into memory, if set force=true it will reload the scan engine, even if it is already loaded.
  • unload - Unloads Xvirus Scan Engine from memory.
  • scan - Scans the file located at filepath. It will return a ScanResult.
  • scanAsString - Scans the file located at filepath. It will return one of the following strings:
    • "Safe" - If no malware is detected.
    • "Malware" - If malware is detected but the name isn't known.
    • Malware Name - If it is malware from a known family (example: "Trojan.Downloader").
    • "AI.{aiScore}" - Score of the file using XvirusAI from 0 to 100, the higher the score the more probable it is malicious (example: "AI.99").
    • "File not found!" - If no file is found in the submited path.
    • "File too big!" - If the file size is bigger than the set limit.
    • "Could not get file hash!" - There was an error calculating the hash of the file.
  • checkUpdates - Checks and updates the databases and AI engine to the most recent versions. If checkSDKUpdates=true then it will also check for SDK updates. If loadDBAfterUpdate=true then it will reload the Xvirus Scan Engine after the update is done. It can return the following strings:
    • "There is a new SDK version available!"
    • "Database was updated!"
    • "Database is up-to-date!"
  • getSettings - returns a string representation of the settings.json file.
  • logging - Sets and return if Logging is enabled. If enableLogging Null value is provided it will only return.
  • baseFolder - Sets and return the BaseFolder path. If baseFolder Null value is provided it will only return.
  • version - returns the version of the SDK/CLI.



The scan function returns a struct ScanResult with the following properties:

struct ScanResult {
  bool sucess; // true if scan was sucessful
	bool isMalware; // true if malware
	double score; // between 0 and 1, higher score means more likely to be malware, -1 if there was an error
	wchar_t* name; // detection name
  wchar_t* error; // error message, only has value if success=false

All other functions return a struct ActionResult with the following properties:

struct ActionResult {
  bool sucess; // true if action was sucessful
	wchar_t* result; // result message, only has value if success=true
  wchar_t* error; // error message, only has value if success=false


Settings are located in the "settings.json" file in the root folder of the SDK. There are 5 avaiable options:

  • EnableHeuristics - Enables heuristics scanning of files. Default: true
  • EnableAIScan - Enables XvirusAI scan engine. This feature is still in BETA. Default: false
  • MaxScanLength - Maximum file size to be scanned in bytes. If set "null" then there is no limit. Default: null
  • DatabaseFolder - Path to the database folder, it accepts both relative and absolute paths. Default: "Database"
  • DatabaseVersion - KeyValue list of database files version. This is updated automatically when using the "checkUpdate()" function.

Example of a settings.json file:

  "EnableHeuristics": true,
  "EnableAIScan": false,
  "MaxScanLength": null,
  "DatabaseFolder": "Database",
  "DatabaseVersion": {
    "AIModel": 0,
    "MainDB": 0,
    "DailyDB": 0,
    "WhiteDB": 0,
    "DailywlDB": 0,
    "HeurDB": 0,
    "HeurDB2": 0,
    "MalvendorDB": 0


If any of the functions fails the success property returns false and the error property contains the error message.

All exceptions are logged in the errorlog.txt file.