# Xvirus SDK C++
Xvirus SDK 4.2.3 C++ bindings.
## Table of Contents
- [Xvirus SDK C++ ](#xvirus-sdk-c )
- [Table of Contents ](#table-of-contents )
- [Minimum Requirements ](#minimum-requirements )
- [Changelog ](#changelog )
- [Known Issues ](#known-issues )
- [Get Started ](#get-started )
- [Avaiable Functions ](#avaiable-functions )
- [Model ](#model )
- [Settings ](#settings )
- [Exceptions ](#exceptions )
## Minimum Requirements
The following Operating Systems are supported:
- Windows:
- Windows 10 1607
- Windows 11 22000
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows Server Core 2012
- Linux (glibc 2.17):
- Alpine Linux 3.15
- CentOS 7
- Debian 10
- Fedora 36
- openSUSE 15
- Oracle Linux 7
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- SUSE Enterprise Linux (SLES) 12 SP2
- Ubuntu 18.04
## Changelog
- Version **4.2.3** :
- Fixed Windows scan performance regression
- Fixed ScanFolder command not working in CLI
- Fixed ScanFolderString JSON not formatted correctly
- Fixed update check always returning there was a update
- Version **4.2.2** :
- Optimized scanning speed of PDF files
- ScanResult now returns the file path
- Added new ScanFolder() and ScanFolderString() functions
- Version **4.2.1** :
- Optimized scanning speed of big files
- Optimized scanning speed in Linux version
- Version **4.2** :
- Reduced glibc minimum version to 2.17 on Linux
- Added "Logging()" function to enable/disable logging
- Added "BaseFolder()" function to set a custom base folder
- Added new setting "DatabaseFolder" to set the Database folder path
- Fixed C++ binding will return "Success=false" correctly when failing to scan a file
- Version **4.1** :
- Upgraded from .NET 5 to .NET 7
- C++ bindings now also support Linux
- Changed how exceptions are handled in C++ bindings
- Version **4.0** :
- Completely redone in .NET 5
- Now supports Linux (CLI and C# bindings only)
- Added XvirusAI scan engine (BETA)
- Scan speed is up to 2x faster
- Fixed memory usage spike when scanning large files
- Removed file size limit for scanned files by default
- The checkUpdate function can now check for SDK updates
- Added 3 new settings "EnableAIScan", "MaxScanLength" and "DatabaseVersion"
## Known Issues
- XvirusAI engine is still in BETA. It is not recomended to use in production yet.
- XvirusAI engine does not work in C++ bindings.
- The checkUpdate function can now check for SDK updates but can't update it
## Get Started
The "`example`" folder contains an example project on how to import and use Xvirus SDK in C++.
This project shows you how to dynamically load Xvirus SDK (`XvirusSDK.dll`) for both Windows and Linux and call a function. You can also read more [here ](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8696653/dynamically-load-a-function-from-a-dll ).
You can run it by building it, copying the files from the `bin` folder to the output folder of the build and then running `xvbdc.exe` .
## Avaiable Functions
You can find the definition of all functions and structs in the file `xvneng.h` located in the "headers" folder.
- **load** - Loads Xvirus Scan Engine into memory, if set `force` =true it will reload the scan engine, even if it is already loaded.
- **unload** - Unloads Xvirus Scan Engine from memory.
- **scan** - Scans the file located at `filepath` . It will return a [`ScanResult` ](#Model ).
- **scanAsString** - Scans the file located at `filepath` . It will return one of the following strings:
- "**Safe**" - If no malware is detected.
- "**Malware**" - If malware is detected but the name isn't known.
- **_Malware Name_** - If it is malware from a known family (example: "Trojan.Downloader").
- "**AI.{aiScore}**" - Score of the file using XvirusAI from 0 to 100, the higher the score the more probable it is malicious (example: "AI.99").
- "**File not found!**" - If no file is found in the submited path.
- "**File too big!**" - If the file size is bigger than the set limit.
- "**Could not get file hash!**" - There was an error calculating the hash of the file.
- **scanFolder** - Scans all the files inside the folder at `folderpath` . It will return an pointer for a array of [`ScanResult` ](#Model ).
- **scanFolderAsString** - Scans all the files inside the folder at `folderpath` . It will return the scan result message for each file scanned.
- **checkUpdates** - Checks and updates the databases and AI engine to the most recent versions. If `checkSDKUpdates` =true then it will also check for SDK updates. If `loadDBAfterUpdate` =true then it will reload the Xvirus Scan Engine after the update is done. It can return the following strings:
- "**There is a new SDK version available!**"
- "**Database was updated!**"
- "**Database is up-to-date!**"
- **getSettings** - returns a string representation of the `settings.json` file.
- **logging** - Sets and return if `Logging` is enabled. If `enableLogging` Null value is provided it will only return.
- **baseFolder** - Sets and return the `BaseFolder` path. If `baseFolder` Null value is provided it will only return.
- **version** - returns the version of the SDK/CLI.
![functions ](./functions.JPG )
## Model
The `scan` and `scanFolder` functions return a struct `ScanResult` with the following properties:
struct ScanResult {
bool sucess; // true if scan was sucessful
wchar_t* error; // error message, only has value if success=false
bool isMalware; // true if malware
wchar_t* name; // detection name
double score; // between 0 and 1, higher score means more likely to be malware, -1 if there was an error
wchar_t* path; // file path
All other functions return a struct `ActionResult` with the following properties:
struct ActionResult {
bool sucess; // true if action was sucessful
wchar_t* result; // result message, only has value if success=true
wchar_t* error; // error message, only has value if success=false
## Settings
Settings are located in the "`settings.json`" file in the root folder of the SDK. There are 5 avaiable options:
- **EnableHeuristics** - Enables heuristics scanning of files. Default: _true_
- **EnableAIScan** - Enables XvirusAI scan engine. This feature is still in BETA. Default: _false_
- **MaxScanLength** - Maximum file size to be scanned in bytes. If set "null" then there is no limit. Default: _null_
- **DatabaseFolder** - Path to the database folder, it accepts both relative and absolute paths. Default: _"Database"_
- **DatabaseVersion** - KeyValue list of database files version. This is updated automatically when using the "checkUpdate()" function.
Example of a `settings.json` file:
"EnableHeuristics": true,
"EnableAIScan": false,
"MaxScanLength": null,
"DatabaseFolder": "Database",
"DatabaseVersion": {
"AIModel": 0,
"MainDB": 0,
"DailyDB": 0,
"WhiteDB": 0,
"DailywlDB": 0,
"HeurDB": 0,
"HeurDB2": 0,
"MalvendorDB": 0
## Exceptions
If any of the functions fails the `success` property returns `false` and the `error` property contains the error message.
All exceptions are logged in the `errorlog.txt` file.